My house always seems upside down! It seems that the mess keeps piling up quicker than I can clean up so I often feel like it's a losing battle. Because of this, I'm always looking for ways to cut corners. One way I found was by investing in a steam mop. No more pulling out the mop and bucket. A steam mop has a small water dispenser that emits steam at the base and I can clean all of my floors without a bucket of dirty water. I know this sounds like a commercial but it truly is a timesaver- I don't even need any floor cleaner as the steam does a great job on it's own although I sometimes put just a little on the floor to get that lemony scent :) It's quiet so I can mop while the kids are napping and all I have to do when I'm done is throw the reusable base pad in the wash. I sometimes regret buying products from infomercials as they never end up being as good as it seemed on tv but this is one product I am very thankful for! There are many steam mops on the market nowadays that are probably pretty comparable but I bought the H2O Mop from Thane Canada.