Sometimes co-parenting has it's perks. It's nice to have a fixed time where the kids are with their father and I can just relax. It's sometimes difficult - the first time was really hard to see them sleep away from home, but, when I see that they really enjoy spending time with their father, I take advantage of that time. I often take it to reconnect with my friends. Since my oldest son was born, time with my friends (who don't have kids) diminished quite a bit. Now that I am seperated, I, strangely enough, have more time to see my friends. It is also without the guilt of leaving my kids. It took me a long time to get to this place in my mind and sometimes I hate having to negotiate everything with their father but I must admit I do like having a bit more me time. It's also a time when I can do that deep cleaning that sometimes seems impossible with two toddlers running around.